

The major goal of fixation of biological samples is the optimal preservation of all natural structures. Fixation is necessary to prevent
1) post-mortal changes of the cell caused by autolysis
2) loss of low- and high-molecular weight substances during the following treatments (dehydration, embedding, staining) and
3) possible structural changes due to treatment with heavy metals.

Fixation in Electron Microscopy

Fixation in Light Microscopy

  • embed.jpg
    Embedding For preparing sections of biological specimens with a microtome, the samples must be embedded in a suitable medium. For electron microscopy SERVA offers a comprehens...

  • dehy.jpg
    Dehydration Many embedding media used are not water soluble. This requires dehydration of the specimen. Dehydration is performed by stepwise increasing the concentration of a ...

  • buffer.jpg
    BuffersBuffer substance Dulbecco's Cacodylic acid·Na-salt·3H2O research grade Citric acid·H2O analytical grade Citric acid·Na3-salt·2H2O analytical grade Ethylenedi...

  • stain.jpg
    SERVA offers high quality dyes and staining kits for applications in botany, bacteriology, histology and cell culture. Biological material is mainly composed of molecules contai...

  • add.jpg
    Additives and AuxiliariesBEEM capsules 5.2 mm for EM-embeddingBEEM capsules 8.0 mm for EM-embedding Cedar wood oil research grade, optically clearDecalpract. Decalcifier ...
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