RNAscope Assays

Four flexible solutions for all your research needs

Independent of your genes of interest, our easy RNA in situ hybridization assay uses common reagents and protocols; providing universal assay conditions. All RNA-ISH kits contain reagents in a convenient ready-to-use (RTU) format, and chromogenic dyes are available to interrogate a single or two genes simultaneously. Most versatile are our RNAscope® Multiplex Fluorescent Reagent Kits, enabling you to interrogate 1, 2 or 3 genes simultaneously.

Automated RNAscope® ISH assays are also available for Leica Systems (LS) and Ventana Systems (VS).

Which RNAscope® Assay is right for me?

Use the table below to learn more about which RNA in situ hybridization product is right to your research needs.


RNAscope® 2.5 HD Assay-BROWN

RNAscope® 2.5 HD Assay-RED

RNAscope® 2.5 HD Duplex Assay

RNAscope® Multiplex Fluorescent Assay

Assay Type





Dye Used

Diaminobenzidine (DAB)

Fast Red

HRP Green & Fast Red

TSA-based Opal fluorophores

RNAscope® Probes Channel Designation

Channel 1
(C1 Probes)

Channel 1
(C1 Probes)

Channel 1 & 2
(C1 & C2 Probes)

Channel 1-4
(C1, C2, C3 & C4 Probes)




Singleplex, Duplex

Single to Fourplex

Key Benefit

Robust, sensitive, permanent stain. Most widely used RNAscope assay

Provides bright color stains with high contrast to background

Utilizes 2 different staining enzymes therefore avoiding any cross talk between the two stains

Utilizes upto 4 different spectral channels providing high flexibility

Ideal for

First time user Routine applications

Studies of tissues with endogenous color background such as melanin in skin, liver, or lungs from smokers

Studies interrogating two RNA biomarkers simultaneously

Co-localization studies of upto 4 genes simultaneously Experimental application requiring flexibility

Novel Gene or Unknown Expression





Archival Specimens





Microscope Imaging System

Standard bright field

Standard bright field Multispectral fluorescent imaging

Standard bright field

Multispectral fluorescent imaging

Sample Type*

FFPE Tissues(TMAs)
Fixed Frozen Tissues
Fresh Frozen Tissues
Cultured cells

FFPE Tissues(TMAs)
Fixed Frozen Tissues
Fresh Frozen Tissues
Cultured cells

FFPE Tissues(TMAs)
Fixed Frozen Tissues
Fresh Frozen Tissues
Cultured cells

FFPE Tissues(TMAs)
Fixed Frozen Tissues
Fresh Frozen Tissues
Cultured cells

*Formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded (FFPE), Tissue-Microarray (TMA)

  • pr-s-02_0.jpeg
    Visualize a specific RNA locus at single cell sensitivity with spatial and morphological context The BaseScopeTM Assay is a unique product from ACD, based on the same platform of p...
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