Automated Modular BioBank


A flexible and affordable -20°C or -80°C automated sample store

Efficient management of 2D barcoded samples, with easy access and stable temperatures to give you unrivaled security for your -20°C or -80°C biostorage requirements.

Technical specifications

Input & output format : 96-position SBS racks with 2D barcoded tubes
Capacity & throughput : Up to 139,000 2D barcoded tubes. Single tubes can be accessed in as little as 15 seconds.
Storage conditions : Dry air, hermetically sealed, temperature of -80°C for main store and -20°C for input/ output area.
Approximate dimensions : 1400 mm wide x 800 mm deep x 1980 mm high 
55.12 in wide x 31.5 in deep x 78 in high
User interface : Simple UI at local console
Power : Europe: 230V 50Hz..US: 208V - 240V Two phase @ 60 Hz. Max power consumption during normal use is 1.8 kW, average 1.25 kW

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