General Lab Equipment by Thermo Scientific

A combination of superior performance, advanced safety, and operational simplicity makes it easy to find the perfect hotplate or stirrer for all your laboratory requirements.

Our vacuum concentrators and pumps use state-of-the-art centrifugation, vacuum, and heat technologies for removing solvents and concentrating samples while maintaining sample integrity.

Our complete line of water purification technologies includes solutions for your most critical and everyday application needs, from electrodeionization to reverse osmosis and distillation.

For fast and slow speeds, large volumes, or high viscosity, our laboratory shakers, rockers, rotators, and mixers are designed with exceptional innovation for the most demanding environments.

Our robust portfolio of microbiological incubators and environmental chambers offer proven features, including outstanding temperature uniformity, stability, and reliability.

Achieve the precise temperatures you need for your cooling and heating applications with a comprehensive portfolio of temperature control products, including water baths, circulators, chillers, immersion coolers, and fog testing systems.

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