
Visualize a specific RNA locus at single cell sensitivity with spatial and morphological context

The BaseScopeTM Assay is a unique product from ACD, based on the same platform of proven and established RNAscope® technology that has been cited in over 900 publications in just 5 years. This powerful assay provides new data dimensions and unique insight into biological mechanisms. The BaseScopeTM Assay enables applications such as the detection of exon junctions/splice variants, short/highly homologous RNA sequences (50-300 bases), and point mutations at single cell sensitivity.

  • Detecting biological events in cells and in situ using a single Z pair
  • Highly specific and sensitive detection of RNA targets with down to ONE nucleotide differences
  • Analysis of broad sample types: FFPE cells & tissues (TMAs), Fresh or fixed frozen tissues, Cultured cells
Exon Junctions / Splice VariantsShort SequencesPoint Mutations
Exon Junctions / splice variants Short / highly homologous gene sequences (50-300nt) Point Mutations (ACD validated point mutations only)
Circular RNA (circRNA) T cell receptors (TCRs) and CDR sequences in T-cell clones Short InDel
Gene fusion Gene editing / CRISPR Homologous
Gene knockout (KO) Pre-miRNA  
  Small nucleolar RNA (snoRNA)  

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    Four flexible solutions for all your research needs Independent of your genes of interest, our easy RNAin situhybridization assay uses common reagents and protocols; providing univ...
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