Vantage 3D™ DNA SNV Assays

Simple, digital detection of single nucleotide variants (SNVs) and small InDels from as little as 5 ng of DNA from FFPE in a single tube. Designed for compatibility with other 3D Biology™ Assays, Vantage 3D DNA SNV Assays deliver reliable SNV detection that may be combined with mRNA, gene fusion, and protein for in-depth characterization of key oncogenesis pathways.

  • Maximum information from only 5 ng of input DNA for SNV and InDel detection
  • Simple protocol, optimized for challenging FFPE samples
  • Validated workflows for cell suspensions, fresh/frozen tissue, and FFPE
  • Concordance with gold standard mutational analysis techniques
  • Sensitivity and Specificity above 95% on solid tumor samples with >5% allele frequency*
  • Customizable and forward-compatible with our growing line of 3D Biology Products
  • Simple, integrated data analysis, eliminating the need for a bioinformatician

*Validated on internal reference materials. Data may vary with the various quality of FFPE samples.

The nCounter® Vantage 3D DNA SNV Assays leverage NanoString’s proven molecular barcode technology. Each SNV panel is designed to detect the mutant allele of interest and a reference allele using a set of probes with novel architecture. The upstream probe (Probe S) has proprietary sequences that become unstable in the presence of a single nucleotide mismatch. The downstream probe (Probe T) is based on existing NanoString probe chemistry. Pools of Probe S and T are combined with an nCounter® molecular barcode SNV TagSet to enable highly specific detection of SNVs in a background of abundant normal tissue alleles.

  • SNV_perfectMatch_mismatch-01.jpg
    Designed to identify the most meaningful variants across a variety of solid tumor types, this panel includes somatic variants (SNVs, DNVs, and small InDels) associated with lung ad...

  • 8010_nCounter_CNV.jpg.jpeg
    Multiplexed copy number quantification for 87 genes commonly amplified or deleted in cancer including PIK3CA, AKT, PTEN, BRCA, ERBB2, and MYC (see table below). nCounter® copy numb...
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