Vantage 3D™ Solid Tumor Assays

Profile changes in DNA, RNA, and protein expression in a single experiment. The Vantage 3D DNA:RNA:Protein Solid Tumor Assays are designed to provide a complete solid tumor profiling solution for both genotype and phenotype data.

  • Low sample inputs: as little as 5 ng DNA, 25 ng RNA, and 250 ng protein or just 2 FFPE slides
  • Comprehensive profiling of key biological targets in Solid Tumor research: 104 actionable SNV and INDELS, 192 RNA, and up to 28 total and phospho-proteins
  • Integrated DNA, RNA, and protein measurements eliminate the challenge of comparing data from different technologies
  • Compatible with lysate and FFPE samples

Download the Application Notes today: Vantage 3D Profiling in FFPE Melanoma SamplesTargeted Drug Therapy Response, and PDX Profiling.


Monitor targeted drug therapy response

Drug response to Vemurafenib (+/- Trametinib) was most pronounced in the homozygous BRAF V600E cell line yielding significant changes in gene and protein expression and intracellular phosphorylation state consistent with the mechanism of action of therapeutic kinase inhibitors.



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