Safety Cabinet Class II - Standard model

Thermo Scientific biological safety cabinets model MSC-Advantage
combine smart design and extraordinary value with best-in-class energy efficiency, reliability and usability.

The advanced design of the MSC-Advantage biological safety cabinet improves overall operation and maintenance, maximizes safety and optimizes service and clean-up. Units feature 60% less energy consumption and heat output. Cabinets are certified to EN 12469 safety standard.


·       Available in 90cm, 120cm, 150cm and 180cm 

·       With microprocessor control

·       Large front-panel display (easily visible from seated position) provides constant readout of downflow and inflow velocities and filter usage status 

·       Exclusive Performance Factor monitoring system advises when cabinet service is needed

·       Proprietary window opens to 20cm working height, 53.5cm maximum height, easily lowers for interior cleaning

·       Ergonomically angled window is sloped at 10° for better comfort and reduced operator fatigue

·       Unique airflow technology and intelligent motor design dramatically improve energy efficiency, operation and serviceability; provide excellent sample protection

·       SmartPort: T¨UV-approved, safe, clean method for vacuum tubing and cables routing method through the side wall of the biological safety cabinet

·       Supply/exhaust air filter: HEPA H 14 EN 1822, 99.995% at 0.3μm particle size



·       Front-accessible components allow for quick change-outs of HEPA filters and other components Quiet operation at <55dBA enables a comfortable working environment

·       Divided stainless-steel work tray removes easily for cleaning or autoclaving

·       Standard armrests designed to prevent accidental blocking with coat sleeves

·       Very large work surface (0.56m2 or 0.84m2) improves productivity

·       Smooth components throughout the cabinet virtually eliminate risk of injury during routine cleaning, servicing or maintenance


·      Fully compliant with the EN 12469 safety standard as independently tested and certified by TUV Nord



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