miRNA Expression Panels

Get accurate results quickly from serum, plasma, and FFPE with nCounter® miRNA Assays. The assays allow you to produce highly robust biological information from low sample inputs in an integrated workflow.

  • Comprehensive, pre-built panels for human, mouse, and rat miRNAs
  • Custom designs for simultaneous analysis of mRNA and miRNA
  • nCounter® technology enables direct, digital counting of miRNAs with no amplification required
  • Compatible with miRNA from serum, plasma, FFPE, tissue, cells and exosomes

Controls Used in the Panels

Control Type Number Description Use
Positive Controls 6 Probes that recognize synthetic mRNA targets included in the CodeSet at specified concentrations (targets do not require ligation). Positive controls used by the QC metrics in nSolver to confirm linear response to input amounts, and confirm that low input signal is above background.
Negative Controls 8 Probes that recognize synthetic mRNA targets not included in the CodeSet (targets do not require ligation). Negative controls used by the QC metrics in nSolver to determine background signal independent of ligation success. This can then be used to set threshold for defining expression of miRNA.
Ligation Positive Controls 3 Probes that recognize synthetic miRNA targets included in the Sample Preparation Kit (Sample Preparation Kit includes targets, bridges, and miRtags). Ligation positive controls monitor ligation efficiency, independent of the miRNAs in the sample.
Ligation Negative Controls 3 Probes that recognize synthetic miRNA targets not included in the Sample Preparation Kit (no miRNA target). Ligation negative controls monitor non-specific ligation.
mRNA Reference Controls 5 Probes that recognize endogenous mRNA targets commonly expressed in tissues. Measurement of mRNA can be used to determine if there is cellular contamination in cell free samples. When miRNA is extracted from cells, even if ligation fails, the mRNA will be seen. It is not recommended that these mRNA be used as reference genes to normalize samples.
Spike-in Controls 5 Probes the recognize exogenous miRNA targets not included in the Sample Preparation Kit to monitor RNA isolation/ purification steps upstream of the assay (optional, added by user if desired). If user adds the appropriate small molecules to samples, they can be used to monitor steps of sample processing prior to the NanoString protocol.

  • Simultaneously detect subsets of mRNA and miRNA in total RNA for biomarker discovery. The nCounter® miRGE assay is uniquely designed to provide a single-tube, sensitive, reprod...
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