
Detection Reagents


Before membrane bound antigens can be detected, unspecific binding sites for antibodies on the transfer membrane have to be blocked. For many applications skim milk powder is an economic alternative to bovine serum albumin (BSA). For Western Blots where skim milk cannot be used, SERVA offers highly purified BSA like Albumin bovine Fraction V, pH 7.0, cat. no. 11930.
After blotting of nucleic acids before hybridization, non-specific binding sites are blocked by Denhardt’s solution (cat. no. 39603). For preparation of Denhardt’s solution or other molecular biology applications, Albumin bovine DNAse/RNase free, cat no. 11967 is the optimal choice.
In addition to a broad range of high quality substrates as powder, SERVA offers ready-to-use, highly sensitive substrate solutions for easy and fast detection of proteins in Western Blots.
SERVALight HRP Chemiluminescence Kits are a new family of highly sensitive ready-to-use kits for chemiluminescence detection of membrane bound antigens (Western Blot) or nucleic acid sequences (Southern and Northern Blot), labelled directly with Horseradish Peroxidase (HRP) or indirectly with HRP-conjugated antibodies/streptavidin. They are easy to use, have an excellent stability, extended signal duration and save money and precious antibodies due to high dilution of antibodies.

Detection Reagents

Transfer Buffers

Depending on the type of blotting (tank or semi-dry blotting) and the specific characteristics of the proteins, different buffers may be used for Western Blotting.
For small proteins or for tank blotting after SDS PAGE Towbin buffer is recommended. 
For blotting proteins after SDS PAGE or IEF by semi-dry blotting a discontinuous buffer system is recommended. In Southern and Northern Blotting experiments 20x SSC or 20x SSPE buffer is used.

SERVA's ready-to-use transfer buffers save you time and labor and guarantee best results. Only high quality, application proved reagents are used.

In addition, we offer a comprehensive range of high quality reagents for making your own solutions according to your needs.


Transfer Buffers

Nitrocellulose Membranes

Nitrocellulose membranes are the most popular membranes for Western, Southern and Northern blotting. The membranes bind both proteins and nucleic acids. Nitrocellulose membranes exhibit high binding capacity and have low background.

Nitrocellulose Membranes

Nylon-Bind Membranes

Nylon-Bind membranes feature low background, high sensitivity and high binding capacities for blotting of proteins and nucleic acids. The higher inner surface of Nylon-Bind membranes is based on the unique microporous structure of the nylon material.

Nylon-Bind Membranes

Fluorobind/Immobilon-P Membranes

Fluorobind membranes are non-fluorescent, based on PVDF-type chemistry and are suited especially for protein blotting and protein sequencing.
The membranes show excellent mechnical stability and are compatible with most staining procedures including immunological methods.

Fluorobind/Immobilon-P Membranes


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