Description The FavorPrep™ Plasmid Extraction Kit provides a rapid, phenol-free method for the extraction of high-purity plasmid DNA from bacterial cultures such asE. coli, which b...
Genomic DNA Extraction
The FavorPrep™ Blood Genomic DNA Extraction Kit is designed for rapid extraction of pure genomic DNA from whole blood, serum, buffy coat, body fluids, lymphocytes and cultured cell. As a column-type tube is utilized in the purification process in three simple steps of binding, washing and then elution for the safe and convenient extraction of high-purity genomic DNA.
• Extraction of genomic DNA from whole blood, plasma, serum, buffy coat, body fluids,
lymphocytes and cultured cells.
• Purified DNA is ready for downstream application such as PCR, Southern blotting.
• Centrifugation-based method.
• Efficiently remove cellular debair and inhibitors
• No phenol/chloroform extraction and ethanol precipitation required.
The Blood Cell Genomic DNA Extraction Maxi Kit is designed for purification of total DNA (including genomic, mitochondrial and viral DNA) from large volumes of blood sample or cultured cells using a safe protocol that eliminates the use of organic solvents such as phenol and chloroform. By using proteinase K and lysis buffer, the kits effectively lyse cells and degrade protein. Purified DNA with approximately 20-30 Kb of size is suitable for PCR or other enzymatic reactions.
• High Purity: DNA is immediately suitable for a variety of applications, including amplification, digestion, PCR etc.
• High Speed: Rapid speed for the isolation of genomic DNA from blood, within 60 minutes.
• Easy Use: Based on a five-step process, purities genomic DNA without the use of caustic organic compounds.
• Safe Use : The kit uses a spin column tube and removes proteins, nucleases in cell. It is not necessary to treat the sample with harmful organic solvents such as phenol and chloroform.
The FavorPrep™ Tissue Genomic DNA Extraction Kit is designed for rapid extraction of pure, small-scale genomic DNA from several types of tissue, bacteria, fixed tissue, yeast or dried blood spot.
• Rapid isolation cellular DNA from animal tissue, bacteria, yeast etc.
• Purified DNA is ready for downstream application such as PCR, Southern blotting.
• Centrifugation-based method.
• Efficiently remove cellular debair and inhibitors
• No phenol/chloroform extraction and ethanol precipitation.
Plant Genomic DNA Mini/ Maxi Kit provides a fast and simple method to isolate total DNA (genomic DNA, mitochondrial, chloroplast and viral DNA) from plant tissue and cells. Plant tissues are ground in liquid nitrogen and lysed by buffer containing detergent. The tissue debris in lysate could be removed by provided filter column. In the presence of a chaotropic salt, the genomic DNA in the lysate binds to the glass fiber matrix in the spin column. After washing off the contaminants, the purified DNA is eluted by low salt elution buffer or waters.
• High Purity: DNA is immediately suitable for a variety of applications, including amplification, digestion, PCR etc.
• High Speed: Using a column type extraction system to allow a more rapid, more convenient methods compared to the conventional mmethods. Rapid speed for the isolation of genomic DNA from various plants, within 40 minutes.
• Safe: The kits use a spin column tube and removes proteins, nucleases in cells, it is not necessary to treat the sample with harmful organic solvents such as phenol and chloroform.
Cat. No. | Product Name | Size | Kit Components | Store at | Protocol |
FABGK 003 |
FavorPrep™ Blood / Cultured Cell Genomic DNA Extraction Maxi Kit |
10 preps. |
Proteinase K Powder
Store at room temperature for 1 year. (Except Proteinase K Powder, store at -2 0℃.) |
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