DNA Fragment Extraction

The FavorPrep Gel/PCR Purification Kit is designed to recover or concentrate DNA Fragments (50bp-10Kb) from agarose gel, PCR or other enzymatic reaction. The unique dual purpose application and high yield DNA column make this kit exceptional value.

• With simple steps, quick and easy to use. .
• Highly pure DNA (suitable for PCR).
• No phenol/chloroform extraction and ethanol precipitation required.

The FavorPrep™ PCR Clean-Up Kit is designed for cleanup DNA fragments from PCR and other enzymatic products. The size range for effective fortification is 100bp ~10kb, thus common 20 ~40 mer oligonucleotides are removed. The recovery yield exceeds 80%. Elution volume can be as little as 30μL when concentrated product is needed. The purified DNA can be used directly for any downstream application.

• Quick and easy to use, just three simple steps.
• Complete removal of primers and primer dimmers.
• PCR product is eluted into sterile water or elution buffer (supplied).
• No phenol/chloroform extraction and ethanol precipitation required.

Purified DNA is ready for downstream application such as sequencing, ligation, labeling, amplification and enzymatic digestion.

Sample Source
PCR products, labeled, modified or digested DNA (Ex. Restriction digests, alkaline phosphatase fragments, kinase reaction, enzymatic labeling reactions)

DNA Size Range
100bp ~10kb

Binding Capacity of Spin Filter
10 ~100 μl of PCR product

Recovery Rate
80 ~95%

Handling Time
About 20 minutes

The FavorPrep MicroElute Gel/PCR Pruifiction Kit allows isolation and concentration of DNA fragments, 70bp~4Kb, specifically from agarose gel, PCR reaction or enzymatic reactions. This kit eliminates impurities and salt efficiently from the sample matrix. The purified DNA fragments can be used directly fro downstream applications and the end elution volume can be as low as 10 μ l to obtain high concentration of DNA.

•  Very Small Elution Volume: 10 μl.
•  Binding Capacity: up to 5 μg
•  High Recovery:
75~90% for Gel extraction
80~90% for PCR purification
•  Safe: No phenol/chloroform extraction
•  Time Saving: 15 minutes for PCR purification, 20 minutes for Gel extraction

Ordering Information
Cat. No. Product Name Size Kit Components Store at Protocol


FavorPrep™ GEL/PCR Purification Kit

100 preps.

FADF Buffer 
Wash Buffer (conc.) 
Elution Buffer 
FADF columns
2 ml Collection tubes

Storee at room temperature for 1 year.

FAGCK 001-1

FavorPrep™ GEL/PCR Purification Kit

300 preps.

FADF Buffer 
Wash Buffer (conc.) 
Elution Buffer 
FADF columns
2 ml Collection tubes

Storee at room temperature for 1 year.

Cat. No. Product Name Size Kit Components Store at Protocol


FavorPrep™ PCR Clean-UP Kit

50 preps.

FAPC Buffer 
Wash Buffer (conc.) 
Elution Buffer 
FAPC Columns
2 ml Collection tubes
1.5 m Elution tubes

Storee at room temperature for 1 year.

FAPCK 001-1

FavorPrep™ PCR Clean-UP Kit

200 preps.

FAPC Buffer 
Wash Buffer (conc.) 
Elution Buffer 
FAPC Columns
2 ml Collection tubes
1.5 m Elution tubes

Storee at room temperature for 1 year.



Cat. No. Product Name Size Kit Components Store at Protocol


FavorPrep™ MicroElute GEL/PCR Purification Kit

50 preps.

GEL Lysis Buffer
PCR Binding Buffer
Wash Buffer (conc.) 
Elution Buffer 
FAPC-2 Columns
2 ml Collection tubes

Storee at room temperature for 1 year.

FAEPK 001-1

FavorPrep™ MicroElute GEL/PCR Purification Kit

200 preps.

GEL Lysis Buffer
PCR Binding Buffer
Wash Buffer (conc.) 
Elution Buffer 
FAPC-2 Columns
2 ml Collection tubes

Storee at room temperature for 1 year.

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